Tokens for Find Entries

The Find Entries activity produces the following tokens.

Name Description Sample Syntax*
EntriesFoundCount The number of entries found with the Find Entries activity. (Legacy format) %(FindEntries_EntriesFoundCount)
Result Count The number of entries found with the Find Entries activity. %(FindEntries_Result Count)

*The "FindEntries" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name as specified in the Activity Name property box. Note that all non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity Look-For-Forms, the syntax for the Result Count token will be %(LookForForms_Result Count).

Note: The legacy format is used with workflows migrated from Workflow 8.0.

Tokens for each entry found

More tokens are available when this activity is used with the For Each Entry activity. The For Each Entry activity runs one time per entry. Each time it runs, the token values reflect the information relevant to the entry it is currently processing.

Name Description Sample Syntax*
CurrentEntry_Name The name of the current entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Name)
CurrentEntry_Id The Laserfiche ID number of the current entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Id)
CurrentEntry_Path The folder path of the current entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Path)
CurrentEntry_FullPath The folder path of the current entry, including the entry's name. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_FullPath)
CurrentEntry_Repository The repository the current entry is in. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Repository)
CurrentEntry_Server The Laserfiche Server that contains the current entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Server)
CurrentEntry_Guid The GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) of the current entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Guid)
CurrentEntry_CheckOutComment The comment associated with the current version of the entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_CheckOutComment)
CurrentEntry_CheckedOutBy The user account that checked out the entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_CheckedOutBy)
CurrentEntry_CheckedOutBySID The Security Identifier of the user account that checked out the entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_CheckedOutBySID)
CurrentEntry_ClassificationLevel The VERS classification level of the entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_ClassificationLevel)
CurrentEntry_CreatedBy The user account that created the entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_CreatedBy)
CurrentEntry_CreatedBySID The Security Identifier of the user account that created the entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_CreatedBySID)
CurrentEntry_CreationDate When the entry was created. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_CreationDate)
CurrentEntry_CutoffCycle The name of the records management cutoff cycle governing the entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_CutoffCycle)
CurrentEntry_CutoffDate When the record was cut off. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_CutoffDate)
CurrentEntry_CutoffEligibility When the record become eligible for cutoff. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_CutoffEligibility)
CurrentEntry_CutoffInstruction The name of the records management cutoff instruction that governs the found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_CutoffInstruction)
CurrentEntry_CutoffInstructionType The type of cutoff instruction. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_CutoffInstructionType)
CurrentEntry_ParentID The Laserfiche ID number of the parent folder containing the found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_ParentID)
CurrentEntry_ElectronicFileLastModifiedDate When the electronic file associated with the document was last modified. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_ElectronicFileLastModifiedDate)
CurrentEntry_ElectronicFileSize The file size of the electronic file associated with the document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_ElectronicFileSize)
CurrentEntry_EntryLock Specifies whether the found entry is currently locked. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_EntryLock)
CurrentEntry_EventDate The set event date on a record. If a record has multiple events, Workflow still retrieves only one date. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_EventDate)
CurrentEntry_Extension The file extension of the electronic file. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Extension)
CurrentEntry_FilingDate The filing date of the found entry, if the found entry is under records management. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_FilingDate)
CurrentEntry_FinalDispositionAction The final disposition action type on the retention schedule governing the found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_FinalDispositionAction)
CurrentEntry_FinalDispositionDate The final disposition date on the found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_FinalDispositionDate)
CurrentEntry_Geography The geography object associated with the entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Geography)
CurrentEntry_GeographyText The human-readable description of the geography object associated with the entry. This is a string assigned by the user. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_GeographyText)
CurrentEntry_HasSubfolders Indicates whether the found entry contains subfolders. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_HasSubfolders)
CurrentEntry_HasDocumentRelationships Indicates whether the found entry contains document relationships. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_HasDocumentRelationships)
CurrentEntry_HasElectronicDocument Indicates whether the found entry is associated with an electronic file. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_HasElectronicDocument)
CurrentEntry_HasImage Specifies whether the found entry is a document that contains image pages. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_HasImage)
CurrentEntry_HasLocations Indicates whether the document text is linked to locations on page images. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_HasLocations)
CurrentEntry_HasSubfolders Indicates whether the found entry has subfolders. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_HasSubfolders)
CurrentEntry_HasTags Indicates whether the found entry has assigned tags. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_HasTags)
CurrentEntry_HasText Indicates whether the found entry contains text pages. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_HasText)
CurrentEntry_HasThumbnails Indicates whether the found entry contains thumbnail images. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_HasThumbnails)
CurrentEntry_HitCount The number of context hits. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_HitCount)
CurrentEntry_IsCheckedOut Indicates whether the found entry is currently checked out. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_IsCheckedOut)
CurrentEntry_IsClosed Indicates whether the found entry is a record that is closed. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_IsClosed)
CurrentEntry_IsCutoff Indicates whether the found entry is a record that is cutoff. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_IsCutoff)
CurrentEntry_IsDispositioned Indicates whether the found entry is a record that is in final disposition. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_IsDispositioned)
CurrentEntry_IsFrozen Indicates whether the found entry is a record that is currently under hold. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_IsFrozen)
CurrentEntry_IsIndexed Indicates whether the found entry is indexed. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_IsIndexed)
CurrentEntry_IsinRecordSeries Indicates whether the found entry is in a record series. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_IsinRecordSeries)

Indicates whether the found entry is the highest position in a document link group.

Note: This value defaults to True for documents that are not in a link group.

CurrentEntry_IsSigned Indicates whether the found entry contains a digital signature. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_IsSigned)
CurrentEntry_IsVersionControlled Indicates whether the found entry is under version control. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_IsVersionControlled)
CurrentEntry_IsVitalRecord Indicates whether the found entry is a record that is marked as vital. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_IsVitalRecord)
CurrentEntry_LastModifiedBy The user account that last modified the found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_LastModifiedBy)
CurrentEntry_LastModifiedBySID The SID of the user account that last modified the found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_LastModifiedBySID)
CurrentEntry_LastModifiedDate The last modified date of the found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_LastModifiedDate)
CurrentEntry_LastReviewDate The last time that a vital record was reviewed. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_LastReviewDate)
CurrentEntry_LatestVersionNumber The latest version number of a document under version control. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_LatestVersionNumber)
CurrentEntry_LinkGroupNumber The ID of the link group that found entry belongs to. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_LinkGroupNumber)
CurrentEntry_Location The current location of the found record. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Location)
CurrentEntry_LocationID The ID of the current location of the found record. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_LocationID)
CurrentEntry_LockedBy The user account that has a lock on the document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_LockedBy)
CurrentEntry_LockedBySID The SID of the user account that has a lock on the document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_LockedBySID)
CurrentEntry_MimeType The MimeType of the electronic file associated with the document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_MimeType)
CurrentEntry_NextReviewDate When the vital record is next due for review. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_NextReviewDate)
CurrentEntry_OCRedPages The number of OCRed pages in the document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_OCRedPages)
CurrentEntry_OwnerName The user account that is marked as the owner of the document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_OwnerName)
CurrentEntry_OwnerSID The user account that is marked as the owner of the document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_OwnerSID)
CurrentEntry_PageCount The number of pages in the found document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_PageCount)

The check out comment if the found entry is currently checked out.

CurrentEntry_RecordFolderId The entry ID of the record folder that contains the found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_RecordFolderId)
CurrentEntry_Relevance The Laserfiche Full-Text Search Engine's relevance score for a found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Relevance)
CurrentEntry_RetentionSchedule The Retention Schedule governing a record. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_RetentionSchedule)
CurrentEntry_ReviewandUpdateCyclePeriod The review cycle that governs a vital record. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_ReviewandUpdateCyclePeriod)
CurrentEntry_Security The allowed entry access rights for the user that is doing the search. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Security)
CurrentEntry_SeriesCode The record series code. This value only returns on the actual record series. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_SeriesCode)
CurrentEntry_ShortcutTargetID The entry ID of the target of a shortcut. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_ShortcutTargetID)
CurrentEntry_ShortcutTargetType The entry type of the target of a shortcut. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_ShortcutTargetType)
CurrentEntry_SignatureCount The number of digital signatures on the document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_SignatureCount)
CurrentEntry_TemplateColor The color of the template that is assigned to the found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_TemplateColor)
CurrentEntry_TemplateId The ID of the template that is assigned to the found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_TemplateId)
CurrentEntry_TemplateName The name of the template that is assigned to the found entry. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_TemplateName)
CurrentEntry_TotalDocumentSize The sum of the sizes of all parts of the found Laserfiche document (images, text, electronic file). %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_TotalDocumentSize)
CurrentEntry_Type Whether the found entry is a record series, folder, or document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Type)
CurrentEntry_Volume The name of the Laserfiche volume that contains the pages of the found document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Volume)
CurrentEntry_VolumeId The ID of the Laserfiche volume that contains the pages of the found document. %(ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_VolumeId)

*The "ForEachEntry" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name as specified in the Activity Name property box. Note that all non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity Apply [Settings] to Each, the syntax for the CurrentEntry_Id token will be %(ApplySettingstoEach_CurrentEntry_Id).